You've Been Here This Many Times:

Thursday, March 5, 2015

[Now Back To Your Regular Programming....]

Thank you for all of the forms of contact of concern in reference to me and the blog!

I would like to at least inform everyone that I am alive.  I had a major surgery, moved over 200 miles east, had to do all the adult stuff that goes along with moving, and just a few days got my wisdom teeth pulled.  Needless to say, I have been too busy to even open my laptop most days. On the positive note, even with my face looking like a chipmunk, I have settled and have 90% of everything up and running and in order.  

If you have sent me *any* guest submissions, they are still queued up and awaiting editing and posting.  

The crickets have stopped chirping and I am back to stay!

The blog will be up and running and regularly updated as I gain momentum.
I have also been asked to do Vlogs, so that is definitely on the table as well.

I have a mini-model tour taking place from March 9th -  March 21st.  
Itinerary can be seen here.
The main chunk of the tour is spent in Atlanta.
Also, a few days will be spent traveling with the amazing XLCRMoon.

If you are a designer, model, photographer, artist, tour guide, or have any interest in booking/collaborating, please do not hesitate to send me an email over at

The tour will also have updates of neat places and street fashion, so if you want your line or products featured and want me to write a review, shoot in, or represent you while I am traveling - please shoot me an email as well!

Stay tuned lovelies.... wonderful things await!