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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

[mental health awareness: why i don't celebrate valentine's day]

Mental Health Awareness: 
Why I Don't Celebrate Valentine's Day

The bear I am holding I bought myself 15 years ago.  Though I do not post many things about my personal life, I do suffer from major depression, GAD, PTSD, and BPD which is treated with medication I take daily, years of therapy  and a lot of meditation and self-care.  This has stemmed a mixture of genetic mental disorders and personal events that have not only shaped the person I am today but has made me aware of how important mental health help and awareness is.  And though I am stronger, no one can be strong 100% of the time.

Like many people,  I was constantly bullied in school and was always one of the few kids who never got a Valentine - even the class packs where everyone was supposed to get. I was even teased for not having a southern accent like all the other girls and boys where I lived.  I didn't attend church nor any of the accompanying church activities that my school pushed as being in a small Christian town.  It wasn't normal to form your own opinions about religion or break a social norm. I never had a single sleepover or was invited to one until my senior when I was already traveling and didn't really care anymore after 17 years of nothing.  My birthdays were spent alone.  

The Significance of Valentine's Day:

I moved out before.....